Teeth Clenching-Grinding (Bruxism) and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders(TMJ Disorders)

Teeth Clenching-Grinding (Bruxism) and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders(TMJ Disorders)

Teeth Clenching-Grinding (Bruxism) and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders(TMJ Disorders)

There are many people that have the problem of teeth clenching-grinding (Bruxism) in the society. Most of the time, these problems may occur because of stress. Although clenching and grinding is usually done unconsciously at night while asleep, it can also be seen during the day. How it can be understood? When a person wake up, pain may be seen at ear level, temples, head and neck area. Moreover, a family membe may be hear the grinding noise during the night.

What are the consequences of clenching-grinding?

  • Erosion and tooth sensitivity may occur due to these problems and a night plate can prevent the consequencs of the problem. However, reducing stress will increase the success of the treatment.
  • Lingering muscle tension and spasm.
  • Tiredness of the jaw muscle.

If the problem takes longer, TMJ disorders (muscles on your jaw point)  will occur. Additionally, tmj disorders can occur due to a trauma that is a sudden hit in the head, neck and the chin region. 

What can be done? 

  • Occlusal splints are a standard gtreatment method for the tmj disorder and it is different than a night plate. 
  • Reducing stress will not only increase your life quality, also it will prevent you to have the problem in the long-term. 
  • Exercise is an excellent way of reducing your stress.
  • Healthy life style 

When to see a doctor?

If you have persistent pain in your jaw, or if you have problems with oppening and closing your jaw, you should seek a medical treatment. Your dentist will discuss possible causes and treatments for your problem.