


Orthodontic treatment is applied at almost all ages. Aesthetic, functional and physiological gains can be achieved with orthodontic treatment. Diagnosed orthodontic problems in the early period are very crucial for treatment as well as its length. For this, the first orthodontic check should be done before the age of 7. Most of the active orthodontic treatments are done between the ages of 9-14.

An orthodontic treatment aims to achieve :

  1. Closing wide gaps between the teeth
  2. Aligning the tips of the teeth
  3. Straightening crooked teeth
  4. Improving speech or chewing ability
  5. Boosting the long-term health of gums and teeth
  6. Preventing long-term excessive wear or trauma of the teeth

The orthodontist uses a range of medical dental devices such as plates, praces, and headgear to achive these goals.

Do You Need Orthodontics?

Your dentist can determine whether you need an orthodontic treatment or not based on diagnostic tools. Moreover, if you have these following problems, you may need an orthodontic treatment:

  • Overbite (Buck teeth)
  • Crossite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite
  • Misplaced midline
  • Spacing
  • Crowding

Then, an orthodontist or dentist develop a treatment plan for you. The severity of your problem will find out which orthodontic treatment/approach  is the most effective for you.