Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry helps you to keep your teeth, stay with a healthy mouth, and need for less dental treatment throughout the course of your life. The main purpose is to help you get your mouth healthy.  Preventive dentistry is a combination of regular dental check-ups and good habits such as brushing and flossing. There are two main causes of tooth loss namely decay and gum disease.

Tooth decay is a dental tissue loss consist of not enough cleaning nourishments such as sticky foods, sugar, and carbohydrate from the tooth surface. Decay results from acidic damage to the tooth structure. Here preventive dentistry plays important role to keep your teeth healthy since some forms of tooth decay can be treated by maintaining good oral care habits and regular trips to your dental professional. Moreover, the most important role is on you to keep your oral care habits well. Preventive dentistry also can help to spot mouth cancer and denture stomasis during regular visits to the dental team.


Stage 1: White Spots

Stage 2: Enamel Decay

Stage 3: Dentin Decay

Stage 4: Involvement of The Pulp

Stage 5: Abscess Formation

Stage 6: Tooth Loss


  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Do not over consume sugary and acidic foods. Brush the teeth in case of after consumption.
  • Clean your teeth daily with dental floss or interdental cleaners.
  • Use toothpaste and toothbrush (medium hardness or soft) recommended by the dentist, which is suitable for our mouth and teeth structure.
  • Drink acidic drinks with a straw.


  1. Start with outer and inner surfaces, and brush at a 45-degree angle in short, half-tooth-wide strokes against the gum line. Make sure you reach your back teeth.
  2. Move on to chewing surfaces. Hold the brush flat and brush back and forth along these surfaces.
  3. Once you get to the inside surfaces of your front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and use gentle up-and-down strokes with the tip of brush.
  4. Be sure to brush gently along the gum line.
  5. Brush your tongue in a back-to-front sweeping motion to remove food particles and help remove odor-causing bacteria to freshen your breath.